Our Digital Media Projects

Over the years, we’ve had the pleasure of working with a plethora of insanely cool brands.

From leviathan-size streaming services like Paramount+ to apparel companies like Quiksilver to straight-up legacy brands like Walt Disney Company, we’ve had a blast in our quest to stamp out the mundane.

Whatever we’re promoting, we build each digital media marketing strategy to capture the attention and imagination of customers with exciting content they’re not going to find with other marketers.

We’ve got a lot of irons in the fire, but here are some specific types of digital media marketing we specialize in.

  • Websites & Interactive Advertising

    Websites & Interactive Advertising

    Most websites are good at delivering information. But they lack the pizazz to make visitors want to explore and engage.

    We’re all about creating websites and interactive platforms that excite and delight and that deliver irresistible content to captivate your audience.

  • Social & Digital Campaigns

    Social & Digital Campaigns

    How many times have you glossed right over social media marketing content in your feed? It’s the same for most consumers where ad blindness — especially on social media — can bring negligible results.

    Our aim is to create scroll-stopping social and digital campaigns that make your brand shine like a beacon of light amidst the clutter on each social media platform.

  • Motion Graphics & Content

    Motion Graphics & Content

    We like to move it, move it.

    In the heated battle for user attention, video and graphic content is your ticket to creating memorable experiences that hit your audience like a heat-seeking missile.

  • Captivating & Casual Games

    Captivating & Casual Games

    Forget Pong and Tetris. Creating cutting-edge, entertaining, thoroughly absorbing games for websites, platforms, or standalone apps can launch your brand into the next stratosphere.

  • Virtual & Augmented Reality

    Virtual & Augmented Reality

    Speaking of cutting-edge, full-on immersion through augmented or virtual reality is one of the newest and most ingenious ways to make customers fall head over heels for your brand.

    Don’t just let consumers see your digital content. Let them be part of it.

Imagine Your Next Digital Media Campaign

If you’re okay with the status quo, move along. At NeoPangea, we’re allergic to humdrum digital advertising that merely floats along without rocking the boat.

We’re a creative, imaginative digital marketing company that strives to partner with other brands that are equally out-of-the-box.

We’re all about rolling up our sleeves and getting in the trenches to create an irresistible, jaw-dropping campaign that gets customers talking and your competitors jealous.

Whether it’s strictly in the digital realm, in real-life spaces like digital billboards, or a mix of the two, NeoPangea delivers the goods while letting your (and our) imaginations run wild.

We work with brands, TV networks, museums, and anyone who wants to stand out from the herd while delivering an unforgettable customer experience — all while having an insanely fun time doing it.

If you’re tired of business as usual and looking for your co-conspirator to take your digital media campaign to heights unseen, we’re your hookup.

What to Expect from a Digital Media Partner

A digital media company acts as an extension of your in-house marketing team. It’s their job to assess the current state of your campaign and deliver digital marketing solutions that help you build brand awareness, get your audience interested, and ultimately create more fans.

Each digital marketing agency is a little different, but the process generally works something like this.

A digital agency comes up with a strategy for how they feel is the best way to reach your target audience and achieve your business goals.

This can include choosing which channels to focus on like 3D billboards, social media marketing, search engine marketing, content marketing, and so on.

Next, they execute their digital strategy, creating (what should be) high-quality, hyper-targeted content that stops consumers dead in their tracks.

From there, they measure performance with analytics to see what’s working and what needs tweaking based on KPIs. Then, they refine and improve until your digital marketing campaign is running like a well-oiled machine.

Note that some digital media companies use a performance marketing structure, which focuses on immediate results like clicks and conversions, while others use brand marketing, which focuses more on building long-term brand awareness.

What is a Digital Media Company?

Simply put, a digital media company creates and distributes targeted advertising across digital channels like websites, social media, digital billboards, online games, and streaming services.

Unlike other marketers who may focus on other areas like traditional media, a digital advertising company eats, sleeps, and breathes digital media. It’s their specialty, their strong suit, their forte.

A company that provides digital marketing services typically handles the entire process end-to-end.

From initial brainstorming to content strategy to web design to posting across digital platforms to analytics.

Their mission is to get the right digital content to the right target audience at the right time to raise brand awareness, generate crazy leads, and most importantly, turn leads into customers.

If you want to go all-in on digital media but don’t know where to get started or just don’t have the time to devote to this strategy, partnering with digital marketing experts like NeoPangea is the way to go.

What is the Difference Between Traditional and Digital Media?

Traditional media is old-school media that’s been around for a long time. Think magazines, billboards, and live TV ads through networks like Comcast advertising.

Digital media is marketing that involves using a digital format to reach a target audience and build brand awareness. This includes websites, social media, motion content, video games, and even AR and VR.

Both forms of media marketing can get results and we offer both options to our clients. But there are some undeniable benefits of zeroing in on digital media.

Mainly, it’s the extra oomph that digital marketing delivers. By nature, digital media provides eye candy that’s hard to rival with traditional media. Take a traditional, static billboard for example.

Sure it will grab some attention. But it doesn’t have the same kind of pop that a digital billboard with dazzling 3D images that jump off the screen does.

Can static billboards make people whip out their phones to grab a shot to post on Instagram?

3D billboard docked the Starship Enterprise in Times Square

Besides the sheer visual bliss that digital media delivers, it can be quickly updated with the right planning, whereas traditional marketing is basically set in stone.

And what’s really impressive is the brand awareness that digital platforms deliver, with digital ads being able to increase awareness by up to 80%.

Not to mention, you can easily track audience behavior with digital marketing campaigns with analytics that’s difficult to do with traditional media.

Types of Digital Media

We have been going on and on about the specific types of digital media we specialize in, but here's a recap:

  • Web development and interactive advertising
  • Social media
  • Motion graphics and content
  • Digital games
  • VR/AR digital platforms

But that’s just the tip of the iceberg of these branding services. Today’s digital media is ridiculously robust and there is a smorgasbord of options available that can unleash rockstar creativity while bringing customers to your brand like a moth to a flame.

Here are some more examples:

  • Display advertising on Google Ads, Facebook, and similar platforms
  • Digital advertising on streaming services like Paramount+ and Apple TV
  • Digital bus stops, bus shelters, and subway ads
  • E-commerce marketing
  • Content marketing (website and mobile app creatives)
  • Email marketing (in-email visuals)
  • Programmatic advertising 
  • Museum exhibitions and activations
  • Infographics

That’s the beauty of this medium. It’s nearly limitless.

With such a massive array of options, it’s just begging for creators to experiment with innovative techniques to wow the pants off their audience.

And with digital media influencing and impacting how we interact with today’s world — from communication to education to entertainment — it can be a legit game changer for many clients.

At NeoPangea, we’re all about pushing the envelope with digital media. We’re a group of seasoned marketers who love partnering with equally imaginative brands that want to explore the outer limits of marketing.

If you’re tired of the same old same old digital media that gets lost in the sea of noise and want to dive head-first into cutting-edge, ground-breaking content, we’d love to work with you.