Social Resources generally consist of a collection of Social Media weblinks out to posts across a number of Social Media platforms.
The Social Resources added to the CMS are displayed on the website in autoplaying carousel UI components. Currently “Social Proclamation” carousels are in-use on the “Home” & “News landing” pages.
The carousel UI components are each set with a default display limit of (12) of the most recently published social posts. This display limit can be configured differently in each instance (i.e., Home, News (landing)) in use if desired. (12) is the default in all instances.
Keep display limits within reason, as increasing dispaly counts inherently increases query, render & DOM times & sizes.
Social Resource Request DocSocial Resource Content Fields
Below is a listing of the available content fields (both required & optional) for a Social resource.
Social media platform the weblink is targeting.- YouTube
Absolute link URL to the post on the targeted social media platform. -
Title/name of the resource (not used outside of the CMS). Avoid using backslashes. -
Use first sentence of the social media post. Keep short, display area is extremly limited. -
Featured Image
Use the image used in the social media post, or create a custom image to be used.- Format, Quality/Compression & Framing
- JPG @ Minimum width & height: 640px
- File should be high quality and run through a compression engine such as or .
- Try to ensure focus of the image is within the inner 1/3, also make sure to limit or eliminate text, logos, or otherwise legible elements falling outside of this area. This is to ensure that the image will work across multiple responsive display sizes & various masking placements.
- A stylistic mask will typically be applied to the featured images dynamically with CSS. You do not need to include the masking treatments in your images (unless composition requires it).
- Format, Quality/Compression & Framing
Green field titles indicate a required field.
Blue field titles indicate an optional, but preferred field.
Grey field titles indicate the field is either `optional` OR has been `depreciated` and should no longer be used.
Social Resource Links & Utilities
Below are some useful links & utilties when creating a Social Resource.
- Character Count Util (character counts + word density)
- (image compression & manipulation)
- (image compression)