Deepsea Challenge Featured in .net Magazine
Press Release

Deepsea Challenge Featured in .net Magazine

There truly is enchantment under the sea! — Our website for James Cameron’s DEEPSEA Challenge is crashing the folds in the latest issue of .net Magazine, the world’s best-selling magazine for web designers and developers since 1994. The amiable kids at .net asked that we provide their readers with a soup to nuts debrief on how we conceptualized, planned, and built the multi-phased and mission-critical DEEPSEA Challenge website.

DEEPSEA Challenge is the record breaking solo dive completed by National Geographic Explorer James Cameron last March. The dive descended the Titanic filmmaker into the Earth’s deepest point, the Mariana Trench. The mission was cloaked in secrecy so the website was built on the Q-T and we needed to be prepared to launch it at a moment’s notice.

The website we launched is a sexy combination of HTML5, parallax and Flash animations that draw the visitor into the historic expedition’s murky and mysterious depths. Visually the website simulates for the visitor the experience of piloting the DEEPSEA sub by moving down the page. The vertical scroll and layered elements give the site the appearance of depth that is then utilized to dive deeper and deeper into the content of the site. Descending into the sea, the sunlight dims behind informative modules that flank animations of divers, the sub, research robots and sea-life until the rocky outcroppings at the bottom of the trench appear.

The article in .Net walks the reader through our process and how we approached the fluid project. We also take the reader through a high-level instructional on how we created the site’s dynamic parallax and animations. These elements take a site that already has very exciting content and makes it just that much “cooler”. Kinda like the moustache on Tom Selleck.

It’s truly an honor to offer our expertise. We hope that you enjoy the read and would like to thank .net for the opportunity.

Dive into the adventure and marvel at the website’s technological might here: