VIP Treatment
The brand-shampoo-and-waxing included a new logo package and website experience with a twist of Yin and a splash of Yang.
The refreshed brand pays homage to the salons unique character. "It is a very modern top of the line facility much like you would see in Los Angeles or any other large city", states Aaron Beaucher, NeoPangea's Ambassador of Inspiration, "but from the outside it resembles an early 19th century stable which complements the Pennsylvania Deutsch landscape." NeoPangea played off this juxtaposition in developing the salon's updated branding. "We really drew most of our inspiration from the facilities personality and hair concepts that are very classic yet modern. We see a lot of melding of those ideas now days in steam punk design and architecture." states Aaron Beaucher, "We tried to push it in a slightly different direction with more focus on a contemporary style while playing off those classic touches. Something along the lines of the Tudors in Miami."
The philosophy of Yin and Yang and its power of transformation was taken to heart throughout the process. It was this singular focus that resulted in a balance of high style with a site that is crisp, clean and easy to navigate. To quote Lama Govinda; "Transformation contains both change and stability, plurality and unity, movement and constancy. It has the nature of life, namely, to connect organically the polar opposites, the stumbling blocks of logic, and to unite them in an all-embracing rhythm.".
NeoPangea's Baron of Pixels, Brett Bagenstose provides an endorsement; "For years I thought my muffin top and Mullet were making a fashion statement. The Bell Tower helped me come to grips with my delusion and gave me the look that has fathered two children. Thanks Bell Tower!"
Besides being one of Elle magazine's Top Ten color Salons on the East Coast, the Bell Tower is also a medi-spa, brandishing medical grade services in a relaxing environment, under the supervision of an in-house physician. The Bell Tower, in its 8,000 sq. ft. facility, employs over 50 people and stands out as a leader in the beauty and wellness industry. So if you can't get out of the house because you're worried about the paparazzi then check them out online.
Reward yourself with a visit: www.belltowersalonspa.com