Finally! After many years of take-no-prisoners hair-war, Blonde's, Brunettes, and Redheads have finally signed articles of cease fire. Or at-the-very-least they're getting along in this wonderful videological exhibition. Built both to inspire and to instill interest in the beautiful yet enigmatic study of hair-color!
As a part of our larger L'Oreal Healthy Look initiative, this fast and fabulous video kicks off the "Turn it Up" Facebook application by encouraging visitors to participate in a census to determine the personality associated with hair color. By contributing to the census enduring mysteries will be solved like; "Do Blondes have more fun?", "Are Brunettes brainy?" and "Are Redheads the fiery type?". L'Oreal will find the answers! The video also guides watchers to the L'Oreal "Turn it Up" application. Through a short series of hairstyle and lifestyle questions the application connects visitors with that unique Healthy Look hair color product that will make their coiffure sparkle. The video's entrancing dancing pictures cheer for follicle diversity and inspires its audience to take pride in their locks of love.