The world of learning and mathematics comes to life with a light-hearted narrative of dancing art-fueled fancy. Behold! the adventures of the exceptional Peg & Cat! What an exciting example of educational moving-pictures for children.
We prepped for Peg + Cat by collectively spending our formative years noshing on Captain Crunch while absorbing the Saturday morning adventures of Pokemon and the Smurfs. From the gitty-up we dove into the fun, hand-drawn, and educational world of mathematics for this upcoming PBS children's series. We began by crafting a tool kit to serve as the foundation base for the Peg character. Her walk cycles, run cycles, dance moves, and even her idle states brought the character to life and helped streamline the show's production process. Then we went further to animate the show's lovable, and highly musical, introduction. Fun was (mandatorily) had by all. For the premier of the show we got nostalgic and broke-out our favorite cereal bowls and footy pajamas.