Format/Germination Types

Created on Fri Jan 07, 2022 by Damon Williams

Below are the currently available Format/Germination Types that can be assigned to individual Project Resources.

If you need a new Format/Germination Type that is not listed below, please run the new type by the appropriate stakeholder(s) prior to requesting the addition.*

*This is to prevent duplicative and/or cross-pollenated types within the system.

  1. 3D Volumetric Display
  2. Alternate Reality Campaign
  3. Animation
  4. Anti-Promo
  5. Application
  6. AR Game
  7. AR Portals
  8. AR Promotion
  9. Artificial Intelligence
  10. Augmented Reality
  11. Augmented Reality Experience
  12. Augmented Reality Game
  13. Augmented Reality Portals
  14. Augmented Reality Promotion
  15. Brand Campaign
  16. Branding
  17. Campaign
  18. Digital & Social Campaign
  19. Digital Advertising Campaign
  20. Digital Signage
  21. Facebook App
  22. Feature Film
  23. Game
  24. Immersive Exhibit
  25. Immersive Experience
  26. Installation
  27. Interactive Exhibit
  28. Interactive Exhibit Installation
  29. Interactive Installation
  30. Interactive Video
  31. Live Event
  32. Marketing Collateral
  33. Microsite
  34. Mobile App
  35. Motion Graphic
  36. Multimedia Exhibit
  37. Museum Experience
  38. Network ID
  39. Network Promo
  40. Photographs
  41. Podcast
  42. Print
  43. Promo
  44. Public Access
  45. Rich Media Campaign
  46. Robotics Experiment
  47. Short Film
  48. Show Graphics
  49. Social Media Content
  50. Television Campaign
  51. Television Commercial
  52. Title Sequence
  53. Trade Show Booth
  54. Voice & Identity
  55. Web Experience
  56. Website
Document last updated on Friday July 07, 2023 by Damon Williams.